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Wines of Southern Italy Dinner

Join Pizzeria Mozza and Master Sommelier Peter Neptune for a wine dinner featuring our favorite wines from the southern regions of the Italian Peninsula. 

Wines of Southern Italy Dinner
Thursday, March 29th at 7 PM
$120 per person


Burricotta with bottarga, carrots, dill and finger limes
Argiolas Costamolino Vermentino 2016

Spaghetti Calabrese with white anchovy
Cantele Rosato 2016

Grilled quail wrapped in pancetta with honey & sage
Morgante Nero d’Avola 2015

Porcini-rubbed rib eye bistecca with rosemary smashed potatoes
Mastroberardino Radici Taurasi 2009 Riserva

Rosemary and olive oil cake
Colosi Malvasia Lipari 2013 (325 mL)